Submit reports about animal diseases

Please submit information about animals with suspected or confirmed inherited diseases anonymously or register and provide contact information. If you register you can request to be contacted for follow-up regarding clinical and genetic advice or participation in research about the condition.

In the online survey you will be asked to provide information about animal details, birth information, death information (if applicable), parentage and disease information, and you will be given options about consenting on how we use the information you provide. It should only take 5 to 10 minutes to complete the survey.

The Participant Information Statement for the study contains all the details about the aims of the AHIDA project and your participation in it. Please download and read it before submitting.

The online survey asks questions in English. If you are not fluent in English, but would like to submit information you can:

  • ask your veterinarian to submit the information, or
  • contact the AHIDA team ([email protected]) for assistance.

Submit with a user account

Submitting with a user account allows the AHIDA team to contact you to get more details about your submission.
You can also see your history of submissions, and get updates about how the AHIDA researchers have used them.

Log in or register to submit

Submit anonymously

You can submit a report about a disease in an animal anonymously, but the AHIDA researchers won't be able to contact you for more details or provide help.

Submit anonymously